What You Think About, You Bring About
by Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D.

Excerpted from The Joy Factor – 10 Sacred Practices For Radiant Healthhttp://www.SusanSmithJones.com

In the world of metaphysics, there is an unwritten law of correspondence that says, “As within, so without.” The way I explain this is that we are always attracting to ourselves the equivalency of what we think, how we feel and what we believe. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that we become what we think about all day long. Studies reveal that successful, happy people think about successful, happy things most of the time. Whatever you dwell upon grows in your reality.

It’s equally important to feel the feeling of the dream fulfilled, or whatever it is you desire, whether it’s being prosperous, fit and healthy; being in a loving, supportive relationship; or being very successful at work. If you start acting a certain way, you eventually become that way. The key to the process is to capture feeling. Feelings refers to the intensity or amount of emotion that accompanies your mental pictures.